The Worst of the Worst of the Stuff From the Bad Thing

We know that what had happened to her was too horrible to be explained in words. She had gone through the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing. We could never know just what it was like to go through the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing because we personally had never gone through the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing. Some of us had been through the worst. Some of us had experienced the bad thing. Some of us experienced only certain stuff from the bad thing. But it was hard to talk to her. Because she had been through the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing.

We read a lot of news reports about the bad thing, and we knew some of the stuff that happened in the bad thing, but because we didn’t know the bad thing, we couldn’t say whether we’d been through the worst of the worst of the stuff. The worst of the worst stuff from the bad thing.

When someone said “It wasn’t really that bad” you could sure they had been through at least some of the stuff from the bad thing and possibly the worst, if not necessarily the worst of the worst. They were allowed entrance into the exclusive club. The club for the people who’d went through the bad thing.

Hierarchy in the club was based on how much stuff from the bad thing the member had or had gone through, and whether their experience could be considered the worst of the worst depending on the given stuff they went through from the bad thing.

Some members had gone through the best of the worst or intermediate shades of the worst and they had not gone through the worst of the worst though some had gone through the stuff and some of the stuff was the best of the worst while some of the stuff was intermediate shades of the worst, but only a select few things in the stuff could be the worst of the worst. Some went through the stuff and while they would say the stuff was from the bad thing, they wouldn’t say that it was the worst or the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing.

The worst of the worst was sometimes considered better than the the best of the worst depending on the presence and concentration of the stuff but just as often it was considered to be in fact worse and this was designated when it was called the worst of the worst of the the stuff from the bad thing by the people who’d been through some combination of the stuff and the worst and the bad thing.

They said when the bad thing happened, you’d just know. You’d know because of how it was the worst and had the stuff, and because it had the worst and the stuff it had to be the bad thing, or else it wouldn’t be the worst and have the stuff.If it didn’t have the stuff or wasn’t the worst or had stuff that was from some other source than the bad thing, you would know you hadn’t experienced the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing, the bad thing, stuff from the bad thing, or anything that might be considered the worst from either the bad thing or the stuff from the bad thing.

It was eminently sensible.

The bad thing was the worst but stuff from the bad thing was divided into categories of bad stuff and worse stuff and worst stuff to distinguish what stuff was the bad stuff and what stuff was worse and what stuff was the worst stuff and what stuff wasn’t stuff from the worst of the worst of the bad thing.

The bad thing was known for the stuff that came from it-bad stuff-and how the some of the stuff was from the bad thing and some of the stuff was the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing. People came to study the bad thing but left because they thought it was the worst, but they hadn’t experienced the stuff. The people who experienced the stuff knew the worst from the worst of the bad thing’s stuff; the stuff that constituted what was worse than other stuff in order to distinguish what was truly the worst of the worst of the bad stuff that was from the bad thing; the bad thing’s stuff to put it succinctly.

My stuff was far from being the worst of the worst stuff but that’s because I had not grown up in the bad thing and my stuff couldn’t capture the worst of the worst that was in the stuff from the bad thing. Some people who’d been through worse stuff from the bad thing, some who’d been through the worst stuff, those who were from the bad thing and got the attendant stuff.

Tourists visited the bad thing and tour guides talked about the worst of the worst stuff that had come from it, the bad thing. Baseball caps were sold saying “Stuff From the Bad Thing” and in the gift shop the extra small toddler sizes were especially popular stuff people bought on their vacations to the bad thing. They would take the stuff from the bad place. It was stuff from the bad place. It said “Stuff from the Bad Thing” but it was far from the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing.

The woman who’d actually touched the worst of the worst of the stuff from the bad thing was displayed in a tent that had a large sign outside advertising it that said “Come see the woman who went through the worst of the worst of the bad thing!” People came to see this woman, this woman who had been through the worst of the worst of the bad thing. They would file out after the show and say “Wow, I’ve seen some bad stuff from the bad thing but that was the worst of the worst.”

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