About suffering they were never wrong the old masters

According to a tweet from an organization that appears to be connected with the Israeli Defense Force, about 1000 Palestinians in Gaza rushed an aid convey bringing food. Some appear to have been trampled by the mob. Others appeared to have been shot by Israeli soldiers. As always in these incidents it’s best to wait for a few days until all the facts come out before drawing any conclusions.

A translation of the Hebrew.

Aerial footage of the operation to bring humanitarian aid into the northern Gaza Strip, showing how the Palestinian crowd attacked the trucks and as a result dozens were killed from overcrowding, crowding and trampling

Looking at the video posted by the IDF Twitter account, I immediately thought of the movie The Third Man by Carol Reed.

It’s always worth revisiting. Harry Lime, Orson Welles, sells stolen and diluted penicillin on the black market. When confronted by his old friend, Holly Martins, played by Joseph Cotton, he points to a crowd of people below. From the vantage point of the giant Ferris Wheel they’re both riding, the people look like dots. “Would it really bother you if one of those dots stopped moving?” he says.

Never forget that this is how the ruling class sees us all, not just Palestinians.